Bare with me as this is my first attempt at our blog. If you haven't guessed, this is Michael and yes, I am scared for all of us. I am going to jump way forward from our last post and try to work my way back.

As you may have guessed from the title and photo, we are having a baby. As of today (6/1/11), Kim is about 13 weeks pregnant and we couldn't be happier. It is a gift from God and at this point, it is still surreal to me. I would bet reality has set in on Kim though, due to the lack of energy and intermittent nausea, but she has been a trooper.
The day we found out (4/8/11), we were getting up early to head to Portland to watch the Trailblazers beat the Lakers from 4 rows behind the Blazers bench courtesy of one of my customers. (pictures below)
Quick apology for including pictures of the Lakers and Kobe (sorry Mom).
Back to the story.... So we are waking up early and Kim gets out of bed before me because it takes her a few more minutes than me to get ready. I kept sleeping for a few minutes and all of the sudden she jumps on the bed and shoves something in my face. Groggy me who is not a morning person, cant get my eyes open to see what it is. I'm rubbing my eyes and then I realize it's a pregnancy test. The dumbest question then follows, "Is it positive?"
After Kim tells me she's not an idiot and can read a pregnancy test, the biggest smile and sense of calm/happiness came over me. So far, life has brought me some of the saddest and happiest moments that anyone could ever experience, but that moment was unlike any other, second only to our wedding day, and I will always be able to remember that exact feeling.
That one night trip to Portland went great with the amazing news that morning, the Lakers losing, and some quality time with my wife.
Now that the best news is out of the way, let's go backwards from today.
5.13.2011 was the last day I was at a school campus as a student. Yep, my 7 year college plan is finally over and I decided it was time to get my degree. It has been a great adventure and the fact that I finally got my degree is slowly setting in. I will now forever be a Boise State Bronco and proud of it.
Thank you to my amazing wife and family for a wonderful weekend and party, not to mention al of the support you guys have given me. With out every single of one of you, I honestly wouldn't be where I am today. In regards to the party and graduation weekend, I didn't have to do much as my wife, family and in-laws took care of everything. I would imagine I wasn't as grateful as I should have been, but I love you guys and appreciate everything you have done for me.
I also want to thank my Aunt Jan, cousin Zach and Aunt Teresa for coming up from Southern California. It was great to have you guys here and it meant a lot that you came.
Biggest graduating class in Boise State history!
My sister, Matt and their kids were troopers and came to the 2.5 hr long graduation but kids can only sit for so long and they also left ASAP to start getting items for the party. Thanks again you guys!
Kim's parents and sister were also amazing and came to support me. Thank you as well!
5.6.2011 brought about Kim's oldest sister's wedding in Phoenix. Kristin and Heath Van Patten had a beautiful wedding and reception and we wish you guys the best!
Their wedding was a great opportunity to spend some quality time with Kim's family and some great friends. Rich and Michelle Garrett (great family friends from Alaska) joined the party and we are more than happy they did. That weekend also happened to be Kim's grandmother's birthday so it was definitely an action packed weekend.
Alright, I don't know how Kim does this, but it has been about an hour and this is all I have done. So, this will be continued. As you can tell, it has been a crazy 9 months.
To be continued.......................................